Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

In the dim twilight 4 years ago

In the dim twilight 4 years ago
I remember you asked me
with a low whisper
Which would I choose
miss you when you away
or sing with all my heart
In the dim twilight 4 years ago
I choose the latter undoubtedly
and you're disappointed

How could you be so blind?

I think of you in every phrase
I think of you in every rhythm
I think of you in every beat
I think of you in every interval
I think of you in every intro
I think of you in every tone
I think of you in every chorus
I think of you in every Coda
I think of you in every song that I sang
I think of you at every chink strings
I think of you in any strains of piano
I think of you in any symphony that I heard
I think of you even when the music was over


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